java - Kafka consumer not receiving message -

i have found code kafka consumer. when send message producer, consumer in command prompt receives message consumer code not show message. have attached code below.

public class simplehlconsumer { private final consumerconnector consumer; private final string topic; public simplehlconsumer(string zookeeper, string groupid, string         topic) {     properties props = new properties();     props.put("zookeeper.connect", zookeeper);     props.put("", groupid);     props.put("", "500");     props.put("", "250");     props.put("", "1000");     props.put("auto.offset.reset", "smallest");     consumer = consumer.createjavaconsumerconnector(             new consumerconfig(props));     this.topic = topic; }  public void testconsumer() {     map<string, integer> topiccount = new hashmap<string, integer>();     // define single thread topic     topiccount.put(topic, new integer(1));     map<string, list<kafkastream<byte[], byte[]>>> consumerstreams = consumer.createmessagestreams(topiccount);     list<kafkastream<byte[], byte[]>> streams = consumerstreams.get(topic);      (final kafkastream stream : streams) {         consumeriterator<byte[], byte[]> consumerite = stream.iterator();         while (consumerite.hasnext())             system.out.println("message single topic :: " +                     new string(;     }     if (consumer != null){         system.out.println("shut down");         consumer.shutdown();     } }  public static void main(string[] args) {     string topic = args[0];     basicconfigurator.configure();     simplehlconsumer simplehlconsumer = new simplehlconsumer("localhost:2181", "testgroup", topic);     simplehlconsumer.testconsumer(); } } 



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