batch file - How to send wild card attachment? -

this batch file (date.bat) copy file based on current date new folder:

copy c:\test\output.csv c:\test2\output%date:~-4,4%_%date:~-10,2%_%date:~7,2%.csv 

this email.vbs script send attachment user:

set objmessage = createobject("cdo.message") objmessage.subject = "test123"  objmessage.from = "" = ""  objmessage.htmlbody = strhtml objmessage.addattachment "c:\test\output.csv"  '==this section provides configuration information remote smtp server. '==normally change server name or ip. objmessage.configuration.fields.item _ ("") = 2   'name or ip of remote smtp server objmessage.configuration.fields.item _ ("") = "spartan-dev"  'server port (typically 25) objmessage.configuration.fields.item _ ("") = 25   objmessage.configuration.fields.update  '==end remote smtp server configuration section==  objmessage.send 

what want execute date.bat on friday, , send friday's attachment on next monday.

use task scheduler.

this shows how connect computer , lists tasks in root folder.

set ts = createobject("schedule.service") ts.connect("serenity")  set rootfolder = ts.getfolder("\")  set tasks = rootfolder.gettasks(0)  if tasks.count = 0      wscript.echo "no tasks registered." else     wscript.echo "number of tasks registered: " & tasks.count      each task in tasks     = & " " & task.nextruntime     = & " " & task.lasttaskresult     wscript.echo     next end if 

you can use batchfile. see schtasks /?.

this listing files in folder.

   set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")    set f = fso.getfolder("c:\")    set fc = f.files    each f1 in fc       s = s &     next    msgbox s 


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