ios - PHFetchResult get all photos and sort by date inconsistent -

i'm trying build photo picker has 2 options now: recents , favorites. i'm doing trying photos creationdate giving images in wrong order in data source. there's photos years ago @ beginning of data source, , photos less few minutes old scattered throughout. think issue need tell main fetchresult sort order first, don't think it's possible: unsupported sort descriptor in fetch options: (creationdate, ascending, compare:

i'd appreciate offered. code:

@property (nonatomic, strong) nsmutableorderedset *recentsdatasource; @property (nonatomic, strong) nsmutableorderedset *favoritesdatasource;  - (void)setup {     phfetchresult *fetchresult = [phassetcollection fetchassetcollectionswithtype:phassetcollectiontypesmartalbum | phassetcollectiontypealbum subtype:phassetcollectionsubtypeany options:nil];      (phassetcollection *sub in fetchresult)     {         phfetchoptions *fetchoptions = [[phfetchoptions alloc]init];          fetchoptions.sortdescriptors = @[[nssortdescriptor sortdescriptorwithkey:@"creationdate" ascending:yes]];          phfetchresult *assetsincollection = [phasset fetchassetsinassetcollection:sub options:fetchoptions];          (phasset *asset in assetsincollection)         {             [self.recentsdatasource addobject:asset];              if (asset.isfavorite)             {                 [self.favoritesdatasource addobject:asset];             }         }     } } 

i figured out on own, here solution:

- (void)setup {     self.recentsdatasource = [[nsmutableorderedset alloc]init];     self.favoritesdatasource = [[nsmutableorderedset alloc]init];      phfetchresult *assetcollection = [phassetcollection fetchassetcollectionswithtype:phassetcollectiontypesmartalbum | phassetcollectiontypealbum subtype:phassetcollectionsubtypeany options:nil];      phfetchresult *favoritecollection = [phassetcollection fetchassetcollectionswithtype:phassetcollectiontypesmartalbum subtype:phassetcollectionsubtypesmartalbumfavorites options:nil];      (phassetcollection *sub in assetcollection)     {         phfetchresult *assetsincollection = [phasset fetchassetsinassetcollection:sub options:nil];          (phasset *asset in assetsincollection)         {             [self.recentsdatasource addobject:asset];         }     }      if (self.recentsdatasource.count > 0)     {         nsarray *array = [self.recentsdatasource sortedarrayusingdescriptors:@[[nssortdescriptor sortdescriptorwithkey:@"creationdate" ascending:no]]];          self.recentsdatasource = [[nsmutableorderedset alloc]initwitharray:array];     }      (phassetcollection *sub in favoritecollection)     {         phfetchresult *assetsincollection = [phasset fetchassetsinassetcollection:sub options:nil];          (phasset *asset in assetsincollection)         {             [self.favoritesdatasource addobject:asset];         }     }      if (self.favoritesdatasource.count > 0)     {         nsarray *array = [self.favoritesdatasource sortedarrayusingdescriptors:@[[nssortdescriptor sortdescriptorwithkey:@"creationdate" ascending:no]]];          self.favoritesdatasource = [[nsmutableorderedset alloc]initwitharray:array];     } } 


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