excel - Using simplemail in Haskell throws broken pipe error -
i have haskell program wrote on year ago , has been running fine until couple of months ago.
what changed? program builds series of excel report files using spreadsheetml (of contributor) , emails them attachments list of users. program controlled comma separated text file each line represents single report , contains report title, list of database keywords (separated |), , list of recipient email addresses (also separated |).
three months ago file restructured change reports generated , whom distributed. since then, 1 line in file killing program broken pipe error. error message program is:
createexcel: fd:7: hputbuf: resource vanished (broken pipe)
the program accepts command line parameter control whether or not send reports. if parameter false, sendreport method (below) never called , no error reported. therefore, believe before call sendreport solid. here code produces error:
makeaddress :: string -> address makeaddress addr = address nothing (t.pack addr) sendreport :: string -> [string] -> string -> io () sendreport file title = simplemail <- simplemail (address nothing (t.pack "")) (address nothing (t.pack "")) (t.pack ("cdc/groth training report: " ++ title)) (l.pack ("the attachment contains training report for" ++ title ++ ".")) (l.pack ("the attachment contains training report <u>" ++ title ++ "</u>.")) [(t.pack "application/xml", file)] let mail = simplemail { mailfrom = address (just (t.pack "order fulfillment")) (t.pack "order_fulfillment@brindlewaye.com"), mailto = map makeaddress to, mailcc = [], mailbcc = [address (just(t.pack "dave smith")) (t.pack "dave@brindlewaye.pair.com")] } mailstream <- rendermail' mail sendmail mailstream
when error reported, email sent, without excel file attachment. also, after reporting error program exits , none of lines below processed.
the line report driver file causes crash is:
sales-europe-africa, sales/thijssen|sales/pecqueur|sales/van den bos|sales/zuyderduyn|sales/marksman, user1@example.com|user2@example.com
... translates report title of "sales-europe-africa" , list of database keywords , email recipients. if change report title "test" works; however, there line in same file report title "sales-north-south-americas" , report runs fine.
anybody see have missed?
through roundabout process, found rebuilding application original source has fixed problem. accomplish rebuild had reinstall couple of dependencies, not 1 character of original code changed.
the new executable not have problem reported here. suggestions.
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