mvc 4 - Using Image Resizer AzureReader2 with MVC website "The image cannot be displayed because it contains errors" -

i'm trying use image resizer's azurereader2 plugin read images blob storage. , works fine when try , retrieve unedited image.

when go following url redirects local storage account image stored


but when navigate following "the image cannot displayed because contains errors"


here web.config file looks like

<configuration>   <configsections>     <section name="resizer" type="imageresizer.resizersection,imageresizer" requirepermission="false" />   </configsections>   <system.web>     <compilation debug="true" targetframework="4.5" />     <httpruntime targetframework="4.5" />      <httpmodules>       <add name="imageresizingmodule" type="imageresizer.interceptmodule" />     </httpmodules>   </system.web>   <runtime>     <assemblybinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> ...     </assemblybinding>   </runtime>   <appsettings>  ...   </appsettings> <system.webserver>    <validation validateintegratedmodeconfiguration="false" />   <modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true">         <!-- iis7/8 integrated mode-->     <add name="imageresizingmodule" type="imageresizer.interceptmodule" />   </modules>   </system.webserver>   <resizer>     <plugins>       <add name="mvcroutingshim" />         <add name="azurereader2" connectionstring="usedevelopmentstorage=true" endpoint="" />     </plugins>   </resizer> </configuration> 

any ideas?

it seems if problem owin pipeline. way had rest of project set being routed through owin , never able reach image resizer. changed set of project wasn't routing through owin.


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