angularjs - UI Router and Rails: Template is Missing -
i creating application rails , angular. using ui.router
. when visit route via ui-sref
link, loads. however, if refresh page, following error:
missing template posts/show, application/show {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :jbuilder]}.
the home page (root of site) not have problem. also, if type in url, /posts/1, same message, if click ui-sref
link post, page load. (though refreshing page break it.) behavior might shed light on misconfiguration can click ui-sref
link route /login – route undefined on rails side, defined in angular routes (app.js). however, when try reach /login other means, or if refresh /login, error: 'no route matches [get] "/login"'
rails.application.routes.draw devise_for :users, :skip => [:registrations] root to: 'application#angular' resources :posts, only: [:create, :index, :show, :update, :destroy] resources :comments, only: [:show, :create] member put '/upvote' => 'comments#upvote' put '/downvote' => 'comments#downvote' end end member put '/upvote' => 'posts#upvote' put '/downvote' => 'posts#downvote' end end resources :users, only: [:show], to: 'users#show', via: 'get', layout: false end
class applicationcontroller < actioncontroller::base protect_from_forgery with: :exception respond_to :json, :html before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? def angular render 'layouts/application' end private def configure_permitted_parameters devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) << :username end end
class postscontroller < applicationcontroller def show respond_with post.find(params[:id]) end end
angular.module('appname', ['ui.router', 'templates', 'devise', 'ui.bootstrap', 'angularmoment']) .config([ '$stateprovider', '$urlrouterprovider', '$locationprovider', function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider, $locationprovider) { $locationprovider.html5mode({ enabled: true, requirebase: false }); $stateprovider .state('home', { url: '/', templateurl: 'home/_home.html', controller: 'mainctrl', resolve: { postpromise: ['posts', function(posts){ return posts.getall(); }] } }) .state('posts', { url: '/posts/{id}', templateurl: 'posts/_posts.html', controller: 'postsctrl', resolve: { post: ['$stateparams', 'posts', function($stateparams, posts) { return posts.get($; }] } }) //more stuff here .state('login', { url: '/login', templateurl: 'auth/_login.html', controller: 'authctrl', onenter: ['$state', 'auth', function($state, auth) { auth.currentuser().then(function (){ $state.go('home'); }) }] }) .state('register', { url: '/register', templateurl: 'auth/_register.html', controller: 'authctrl', onenter: ['$state', 'auth', function($state, auth) { auth.currentuser().then(function (){ $state.go('home'); }) }] }); $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('home') }])
posts.rb (factory)
angular.module('appname') .factory('posts', [ '$http', function($http){ var o = { posts: [], }; o.get = function(id) { return $http.get('/posts/' + id + '.json').then(function(res){ return; }); return o; }])
my guess needs changed in configuration on angular side.
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