Android Studio Gradle Sync error: configuration with name 'default' not found -
i using bottomsheet library create bottomsheet menu explained in google documentation.
i added bottomsheet library project when sync gradle getting error message. tried answers listed @ error: configuration name 'default' not found in android studio , other solutions listed on stackoverflow issue still persists.
here build.gradle , settings files of project:
buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' } } allprojects { group = pom_group_id version = pom_version repositories { jcenter() } tasks.withtype(javacompile) { options.encoding = "utf-8" } } task wrapper(type: wrapper) { gradleversion = '1.12' }
apply plugin: '' android { compilesdkversion 21 buildtoolsversion "21.1.2" defaultconfig { applicationid "com.example.khsingh.stockysingh" minsdkversion 15 targetsdkversion 21 versioncode 1 versionname "1.0" } buildtypes { release { minifyenabled false proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } } } dependencies { compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) compile '' compile "" compile project(":bottomsheet") }
// top-level build file can add configuration options common sub-projects/modules. buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' // note: not place application dependencies here; belong // in individual module build.gradle files } } allprojects { repositories { jcenter() } }
include ':app', ':bottomsheet' project(':bottomsheet').projectdir = new file('library/bottomsheet')
add app/build.gradle
compile 'com.cocosw:bottomsheet:1.+@aar'
if in case, want have full library inc source codes in app, download library source codes described then:
- right click on app's root in android studio (left view)
- select "open module settings"
- select "+" icon on top left of new window
- select "import gradle/eclipse project".
now library should in workspace.
- select app list of modules
- click on "dependencies"
- click on green "+" on right , select "library dependency"
- select bottomsheets library
- apply
android studio should now, automatically insert library app , sync successfully
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