php - Laravel 5 keep redirecting me to `/auth/login` when go to an route post? -
i'm new laravel 5. have route post /subscribe . //subcribe route::post('/subscribe','subscribecontroller@postsubscribe'); when goto it, laravel application auto redirecting me : /auth/login i notice, in i have : /app/http/routes.php route::controllers([ 'auth' => 'auth\authcontroller', 'password' => 'auth\passwordcontroller', ]); auth controller <?php namespace app\http\controllers\auth; use app\http\controllers\controller; use illuminate\contracts\auth\guard; use illuminate\contracts\auth\registrar; use illuminate\foundation\auth\authenticatesandregistersusers; class authcontroller extends controller { /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | registration & login controller |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | controller handles registration of new users, | authentication of existing u...